Overview of the programming language Pascal.
A programming language, usually made with directed to a certain type of application. Programming languages so that there can be grouped into three kinds, among others, as follows:
1. Programming language for computational applications.
Programming language that is intended for use in the field of computing, such as computing-storey building, to calculate the strength of buildings, for statistical calculations in the field of economics, agriculture, engineering and others.
2. Programming language for application administration.
Computer language that is intended for use in the field of administration, for example personnel, payroll, supplies, and so on.
3. Programming languages in addition to the above two types of applications.
For example the C language, which is made not for the two types of applications on top, but to be used as a software development tool. PROLOG language or highly effective for use in the field Robotics.
Well, pascal language included in the first category is a language for computing applications. This language is one of the new generation language, developed at about the year 1970 by Professor Nicklaus Wirth in Switzerland's Federal Institute of Technology. This language is a development of the ALGOL language. PASCAL name taken in honor of one of the experts who took part showed the road to the discovery of computers from France named Blaise Pascal. This language is known as one of the languages that have a structured programming capabilities (Structured Programming) is strong. PASCAL language continues to evolve and is now one of the most widely used language. PASCAL language actually has a good ability
for use in the field of administrative applications. Below is an example of a program in PASCAL language, and the program also to calculate the average of the N pieces of data. The data are called X and the average price named RX.
PROGRAM average (input, output);
{This program calculates the average price of n
the data. The data are named x, the average price rx}
bentuk1 = ARRAY [1 .. 50] OF REAL;
i, n: integer;
Fri, rx: real;
x: bentuk1;
Readln (n);
Fri: = 0.0;
FOR i: = 1 TO n DO
Readln (x [i]);
Fri: = Fri + x [i];
rx: = Fri / n;
Writeln ('Price reratanya is =', rx: 10:2)
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